Dance teacher and mother Nadja left her son Mario with her own mother when he was little. Now she has reappeared on his doorstep, seeking a closeness that knows fewer and fewer boundaries. An uncompromising film about family relationships....
It's a timely story about the romantic escapade of a top woman corporate executive, flamboyantly decorated with baroque compositions and provocative emotions, Like Jean Luc Godard making an adaptation of a Harlequin romance....
十二年前,一位美若惊鸿的唱诗班少女乔安娜·华莱士(奥黛丽·赫本 Audrey Hepburn饰),一个努力上进的建筑师马克·华莱士(阿尔伯特·芬尼 Albert Finney饰),以及一段浪漫的完美邂逅。十二年后,他们却不得不开始面对两人间存在的严重婚姻危机。从一见钟情到热恋结婚,从当年的信誓旦旦到如今的同床异梦,十二年来的婚姻生活恍如隔世。为了挽救他们之间濒临破裂的夫妻关系以及名存实亡的爱情,乔安娜与马克开始了环游法国的寻爱之旅。...